
Cold telemarketing – cold calling

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Useful cold telemarketing to attract new customers and expand your customer base

Increase your sales with well-constructed cold telephone marketing!

  • We will select a fresh and relevant contact database
  • Let’s create a custom speech module
  • We will warm up new and first customers
  • We will enter all the data into your CRM system or software

In 15 minutes there will be answers to all your questions

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«Cold calling» helps to sell and promote goods and services to a wide range of customers.

«Digital technologies» company has been providing cold telemarketing services to organizations since 2004. When cooperating with us, clients save on organization of their own call centers and attraction of highly paid professionals.

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Сейчас просматривают:0

Реализовано проектов (август): 28

Запуск проекта:от 2х дней

Стоимость услуги:от 9 rub/min


0 / 5. 0

Why do we need cold calls?

«Cold telemarketing» is a recognized method to increase sales conversion, which is used by large corporations as well as small market players.

Tasks that solve telephone sales:

  • To sell goods or services to new or existing customers. The script of operator talking to a client is carefully studied, the operators are trained before starting the project. In the course of conversation call-center operators identify customer needs, work with objections and lead customers to purchasing decision;
  • To collect information about potential customers. During the call the specialist of «Digital technologies» find out the information about the counterparty – interests, financial abilities and requirements. The special commercial offer is developed on the basis of these data;
  • To present company goods to interested parties. Even if the client is not interested in purchase right now, a literate presentation will raise his loyalty;
  • To define the interest of counterparties in services and goods;
  • To plan strategically further development of the company. Based on the information obtained during the calling, the head of the company may adjust business processes.

Benefits of cold telemarketing outsorsing

«Cold telemarketing» solves three business problems:

  • Establishes direct contact with potential customers, creates an idea of ​​the brand, seeks for opinions and suggestions;
  • Increases the loyalty of counterparties and enhances brand recognition;
  • Achieves a result in a short period of time.

Nevertheless, the organization of one’s own contact center and retraining the staff to telemarketing manager requires investment of time and money. Outsourcing in this case frees up the staff and saves resources.

The work of a professional and experienced operator of the call center of «Digital technologies» company leads to a result quickly and qualitatively. Prior to the calls scripts are carefully elaborated and approved by the customer. In the working process, the client receives the reports with the results and can quickly adjust the work of the operators.

The main advantages of using the services of professional operators of «Digital Technologies» company:

  • To ensure the maximum number of contacts and their processing in the shortest possible time;
  • To form the clients base according the set parameters;
  • To increase the sales because of the transfer to the customer of «hot» customers.

Are you interested in cooperation with the call-center «Digital technologies»? Be sure to contact us by phone, or leave your request on the site.

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